From the blog
Vermicompost substitution influances growth physiological disorder, fruit yield and quality of strawberry
Vermicompost substitution influances growth physiological disorder, fruit yield and quality of...
Influence of Vermicomposts on field strawberries. Part 2
Influence of Vermicomposts on field strawberries. Part 2 Effects on soil microbiological and...
Influence of Vermicomposts on field strawberries
Influence of Vermicomposts on field strawberries. Part 1 Effects on growth and yields N.Q Arancon...
Evaluation of high tunnel strawberry production for southern Ohio
Evaluation of high tunnel strawberry production for southern Ohio Brad R. Begerfurd Extension...
Effect of Vermicompost on Growth, Yield and Nutrition Status of Tomato
Effect of Vermicompost on Growth, Yield and Nutrition Status of Tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum)...
Effect of Vermicompost and Vermiwash on the productivity of Spinach
Effect of Vermicompost and Vermiwash on the productivity of Spinach (Spinacia oleracea), Onion...
Vermicompost increase yield of cherries
Vermicompost increase yield of cherries for three years after single application Katie A Webster,...
Organic trabsplant media and tomato performance
Organic Transplant Media and Tomato Performance - 2007 Betsy Leonard and Anu Rangarajan Dept. of...
Effects on yields and disease suppressive qualities
Modification of seed exudates by seed-colonizing microbes from vermicompost alters pre-infection...