Vermicompost substitution influances growth physiological disorder, fruit yield and quality of strawberry (fragaria x ananassa Duch)
Rajbit Singh
Vermicompost application increase plant spread (10,7%) leaf area (23,1%) and dry matter (20,7%), and increase total fruit yield (32,7%) Substitution of vermicompost drastically reduced the increase of physiological disorder like albinism (16,1% – 4,5%), fruit malformation (11,5%-4%) and occurrence ofgrey mould (10,4 – 2,1%) in strawberry indicating that Vermicompost has significant role in reducing nutrient-related disorders and disease like Botrytis rot and thereby increasing the marketable fruit yield up to 58,6% with better quality parameters. Fruit harvested from from plant receiving Vermicompost were firmer, have higher TSS, ascorbic acid content and lower acidity, and have attractive colour.