Influence of Vermicomposts on field strawberries. Part 2

Apr 20, 2009 | Research papers

Influence of Vermicomposts on field strawberries. Part 2 Effects on soil microbiological and chemicals properties

N.Q. Arancon a,*, C.A Edwards a, P.Bierman b

a Soil Ecology Laboratory, The Ohio State University, 400 Aronoff Laboratory, 318 12th Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210, USA, b University Of Alaska, Copper River/Mat-su District, 809 S. Chugach, Suite 2, Palmer, AK 99645, USA

he overall amounts of the major elements such as N and P in the vermicompost-amended soils appeared to be similar to those in soils treated with inorganic fertilizers only, throughout the growth cycle of strawberries, except for isolated cases where orthophosphates occured at higher levels in vermicompost-amended soils.

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